Monday, March 15, 2010


Finding who you are is apart of life. We all go through the vulnerable stage of trying to control the emotions and start off a bit iffy. This is because we are young and inexperienced with life. Unsure and oblivious, not sure what kind of guard to put up. You them become like this one of these guys.

Unsure. Always quick to shoot darts of spite and anger at someone with the slightest bit of advice or lesson being passed along to you. Afraid that these words of wisdom don't apply to you and that these so called old timers have no idea when they, in fact went through the same thing you as an adolescence is currently experiencing

Smooth and vulnerable with no protective covering. Always allowing your self to be corrupted by any and everything that someone may tell you. No self esteem. Always doubting yourself about everything. Feeling naked so open so to the world like all eyes are constantly watching as yours wonder. All the while spreading poison to anyone who is a close enough distance to bite into your world.

It then hits you.
You're not sure who you can trust.
Even more unsure of who you are.
Fighting with yourself your heart and feelings
That the world is against you.
You go into hiding.
Isolating oneself

Any you start the necessary change.
The change that everyone is supposed to to do
Self analysis
The mello soft whipers of the wind
you start to understand them
The faintest sounds and sights
that makes life worth living
once blinded in darkness
paying attention to everything around you
you begin to slowly open your eyes
allowing yours eyes to adjust
to the light
little by little
slowing you understand everything

Then you have made the final step
You have changed
that you never once understood
has finally made come clear
made sense
light has been shed
on everything
that was once dim
you have spread your wings
and matured to that which you
you were programed to become
you have
change is only the beginning
it is up to you
to continue to
keep the beauty
that has been bestowed
upon you
Stay beautiful

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